Team presentation :

The EVER research team "Wastewater Treatment and Valorization" created in 2007, studies and offers innovative solutions for the purification and reuse of domestic, urban and industrial wastewater using renewable energies . The main missions of the 'EVER' team can be summarized :

  • Wastewater purification and energy recovery processes experimentation and modeling ,
  • Production and characterization of wastewater purification and pollution control prototypes,
  • Design and construction of micro-stations for wastewater treatment and reuse.

Ongoing project

  • UDES internal project
    • Project manager: IGOUD Sadek
      Title :Design, construction and performance evaluation of micro-treatment plants (Micro-STEP) for urban and industrial wastewater running on renewable energies
  • Algerian-Tunisian project
    • Project manager: BENHABILES Ouassila
      Title :Design and Optimization of an Eco-innovative and perfectly Profitable Process based on membrane technology for the treatment of effluents from a soap factory for sustainable reuse "COPERER"

    Socioeconomic partner of RAHMINE Institution .

Specific disciplinary skills

  • Development and conception of new materials to improve the performance of wastewater treatment facilities,
  • Sizing, optimization and intelligent management tools development for micro-wastewater treatment plants,
  • Development and characterization of organic membranes of Micro / Ultra filtration for waste water treatment,
  • Realization and characterization of microbial fuel cell for the purification of waste water and the production of renewable energy.

Transversal skills:

  • Carry out a relevant and rational research activity
  • Develop and manage a scientific project
  • Develop and / or optimize innovative techniques, methods and processes
  • Offer a consultancy and expertise activity on the definition of experimental strategies
  • Participate in the development of normative quality procedures
  • Carry out scientific events and communications
  • Supervision of students in the preparation of their end-of-study projects and Phd theses