The “Application of Photovoltaic Equipment (AEP)” team is one of the research teams of the “Renewable Energy Equipments (EER)” division of UDES/EPST CDER since 2005. This team is made up of 7 researchers, two engineers. The research activities carried out by the members of the AEP team are structured around two main axes:
The first focuses on the design, study, production and monitoring of stand-alone photovoltaic (PV) systems and/or connected to the electrical network intended for various applications (domestic electrification, public lighting, water pumping, etc. etc). The second axis concerns the development of energy management systems in Smart home or Smart Building – Smart City – Smart Grid whose vocation is a better use of energy while promoting self-consumption and achieving a high degree self-sufficiency on the one hand and minimizing the impact of residential on the electricity network on the other hand, with the ultimate goal of achieving the 'Near Zero Energy Building'.
In summary: Improving the optoelectronic process of converting / conditioning and storing photovoltaic solar energy.
Directeur de Recherche
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
is a scientific researcher in Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES)/Renewable Energy Development Center (CDER) since 2009. She received his degree in Electronic Engineering from Jijel University (Algeria) in 2006 and his MSc degree in electronics (Option: Solar Electricity) and her PhD from the Na...
PlusDirecteur de Recherche
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
a obtenu un doctorat en Electronique de l'Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France en 1994. De 1985 à 1989, puis 1995 à 2002, il a travaillé sur des modules solaires et des capteurs infrarouges à l'Unité des Technologies de Développement du Silicium (UDTS), Alger, Algérie, où il était à la tête d...
PlusMaîtres de Recherche Classe "A"
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
PlusMaîtres de Recherche Classe "B"
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
Fethi Akel received the Magister and Doctorate degrees in Electrical Engineering in 2009 and 2017 respectively from the Polytechnic Military School(ex: ENITA) and National Polytechnic School (ENP), Algiers, Algeria, respictively. He is currently full time researcher with Solar Equipments Development...
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Depuis 2012, en poste de chercheur à l'UDES dans le domaine du photovoltaïque; modélisation et caractérisation de différents types de modules photovoltaïques en conditions extérieures, docteur en physique des énergies renouvelables depuis 2017 de l'université abu-bakrBelkaid-Tlemcen. Autres compéten...
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Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
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PlusAttaché de Recherche
PlusAttaché de Recherche
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
PlusChargé D’études
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
Phone: 213 (0) 24 41 01 33
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PlusDrir Nadia, Chekired Fathia, 
"Automatic detection of solar cell surface defects in electroluminescence images based on YOLOv8 algorithm"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Vol. 32, No. 3, December 2023, pp. 1392-1404.
Meflah Aissa, Benzina Amel, Boucena Lyna, Smara Zoubeyr, Chekired Fathia, Aissat  A, 
"Impact of voltage temperature coefficient on power prediction of four type silicon photovoltaic module technologies installed in real conditions in the north-central of Algeria"
Algerian Journal of Signals and Systems, volume 08 No.1. AJSS. 2023.
Meflah Aissa, Aouchiche Imen, Berkane Smaïn, Chekired Fathia, 
" Estimation models of photovoltaic module operating temperature under various climatic conditions"
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, vol32, N01, pages 13–20.
Meflah Aissa, Chekired Fathia, Akel Fethi, Yasmine Y., 
"Lighting System Study in a Solar Smart House in Algeria”
ICARES’22, 18-20 Dec 2022, Journal of Renewable Energies, Revue des Energies Renouvelables, CDER
Meflah Aissa, Chekired Fathia, Akel Fethi, Yasmine Y., 
"Lighting System Study in a Solar Smart House in Algeria"
ICARES’22, 18-20 Dec 2022, Journal of Renewable Energies, Revue des Energies Renouvelables, CDER.
Laidi S., El Hassar S.M.K, Mahrane Achour, Sellami Rabah, 
"Ventilation adaptée des combles en vue de l'amélioration de l'efficacité énergétique des constructions"
Journal of Renewable Energies
Chekired Fathia, Richa Amina, Touil Sami, Bingwa Brendon , 
Energy yield evaluation of a rainwater harvesting system using a novel agrophotovoltaics design
Desalination and Water Treatment
Mohand Kaci Ghania, Mahrane Achour, Ghedamsi K, Chikh Madjid, 
"Techno-economic feasibility analysis of grid-connected residential PV systems in Algeria"
Energy & Environment