As part of the launch of the fifth edition 2025 of the "Academy of Young Innovators in the
Field of Renewable Energies" competition "Idea - Project - Challenge", which will be
organized by the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES / EPST CDER) in coordination
with the Education Directorate of the Wilaya of Tipasa, . UDES / EPST CDER organized an
information day for the benefit of high school and middle school students participating in this
After a welcome speech delivered by the Director of the Solar Equipment Development Unit
(UDES/EPST CDER) Dr. Abbas, in the presence of the Head of the Training Department at
the Education Directorate of the Wilaya of Tipasa, Mr. Amrouche, the directors and
supervisors of high school pupils and middle school pupils participating in this edition, Mr.
Amrouche recalled the objective of organizing this competition. Subsequently, he explained
the conditions and modalities of participation in the competition while presenting the leaflet
of this edition.
During this day, a presentation on the different uses and applications of renewable energies
was given by Dr. M. Abderrezzak.
Having noted the success of the previous editions, and the positive dynamics between the
unit and the schools of the wilaya of Tipasa, the Education Directorate and UDES have
decided to continue their efforts and collaboration, to highlight the importance of renewable
energies in protecting the environment and promoting the national economy in the minds of
young students and to expand the competition to middle school pupils. All this , to create a
climate of competition and encourage innovation among the younger generation.