UDES:Unité de Developpement des Equipements Solaires

Conference on “Quality Assurance” in the Scientific Research Sector at UDES


  On the occasion of the celebration of the summer solstice 2023, the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES/EPST CDER) organized a Conference on Quality Assurance in the Scientific Research Sector on June 21st, 2023 at the headquarters of the unit.
Pr.N.Abdelbaki, Director of EPST CDER officially opened the Conference in the presence of Dr.Abbas, Director of the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES/EPST CDER), the two speakers , representatives of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the General Secretary of the Center for the Development of Renewable Energies (EPST / CDER), representatives of ANVREDET, representatives of CNRDPA, researchers from CDER and UDES.
This day is part of raising awareness of the creation of quality assurance cells in research units and centers to lead to the creation of a National Agency for Quality Assurance and Accreditation.
The first conference was moderated by Pr. S.Bakouche, President of the National Commission for Quality Assurance at the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, In his speech, he emphasized the importance of setting up a quality assurance unit in the scientific research sector.
Mr. Bakhouche addressed the aspect of management in his speech under the theme "Quality Management in the Research Sector". Furthermore, the higher education sector must meet the requirement of quality and relevance necessary for the socio-economic needs of the country.
The event focused on:

  • The history and definition of the term “quality” in the Scientific Research sector.
  • The National Guide for Quality Assurance.
  • L’Agence Nationale pour l’Assurance de la qualité.
  • The National Agency for Quality Assurance.

The second conference was led by Pr.A.Cheknane, he cited the steps, methods and mechanisms to be put in place to arrive to a quality assurance unit in the scientific research sector.: