UDES:Unité de Developpement des Equipements Solaires

"The First International Conference on Advanced Renewable Energy Systems "(ICARES’22).

From December 18th to the 20th, 2022

  The Solar Equipment’s Development Unit / Renewable Energies Development Center organizes "The First International Conference on Advanced Renewable Energies Systems (ICARES'22)" from December 18th to the 20th, 2022 at the Unit's headquarters, BouIsmail - Tipaza , Algeria.

 The official opening of the Conference was given by Dr. Abbas, Director of the Solar Equipment’s Development Unit (UDES / EPST CDER) in the presence of Dr. Hadj Arab, Director of the Renewable Energies Development Center ( EPST/CDER), the Commissioner at the High Commission for Renewable Energies and Energy Efficiency, Pr.Yassaa, the representative of the General Director of the Scientific Research and Technological Development (DGRSDT), Mr.Tassalit.

  In their respective interventions, Mr. Yassaa and Mr. HadjArab gave an inventory of renewable energies in Algeria while emphasizing the need for the application of the research sector results' and with the aim of launching and developing socio-economic projects in the field of renewable energies.

 The ICARES'22 aims to bring together researchers, engineers and students to exchange and discuss recent advances and developments in the field of research and renewable energies applications. The conference includes plenaries, oral presentations and posters exhibition.