december 22 nd , 2020
On Monday, December 22 nd,2020, UDES welcomed cadets from the Interarms Military Academy of Cherchell .this visit enters in the framework of ...
read moredecember 13th , 2020
Le Dimanche 13 Décembre 2020, le Directeur Général de la Recherche Scientifique et du Développement Technologique, Prof. Hafid Aourag, a procédé à l’installation du nouveau Directeur,...
read moreOctober 11th , 2020
The EPST is organizing a series of conferences with the socio-economic sector to launch unifying projects, with the aim of identifying issues that could be the subject of a research project,...
read moreOctober 02nd , 2020
The Solar Equipments Development Unit affiliated to the EPST Renewable Energies Development Center took part in the ...
read moreSeptember 24th , 2020
As part of the application of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development directives aiming to give new life to scientific research units, new division directors have been appointed ...
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As part of the application of the directives of the General Directorate of Scientific Research and Technological Development aiming to breathe new life to the scientific research departments and teams, changes have been made at the level of...
read moreJuly 20th ,2020
On Monday,July 20th ,2020 , the Development ...
read moreJuly 05 th , 2020
On the occasion of the fifty-eighth anniversary of Independence and Youth Day, July 5th, of the Solar Equipment Development Unit's staff has the honor and pride on the name of ...
read moreJune 21st , Juin 2020
On the occasion of the celebration of the International Summer Solstice Day June 21st, 2020, the Director of the Solar Equipments Development Unit honored researchers ,...
Lire la suiteJune 09th , 2020
Yesterday, June 09th, 2020, Mr. Bachir Chelghoum, managing director of the Amenhyd Group and his delegation, was received by the director of the solar equipment development unit,...
Lire la suiteMay 28th , 2020
Accompanied by a group of researchers in the field of solar cooling and air conditioning, the Director of the Solar Equipment Development Unit (UDES / EPST CDER),...
Le bilan de l’année 2019 est très satisfaisant en référence aux indicateurs d’excellence en Recherche et Innovation mondialement reconnus. Un progrès fulgurant se traduisant par les chiffres clés suivants ; ...
read more18 Avril 2020
L’UDES désertée en ces semaines de crise sanitaire par une partie de ses travailleurs, ne chôme pas. L’UDES est une ruche pleine d’abeilles qui produisent du miel, aliment vital pour la vie. ,...
read more06 Avril 2020
Dans le cadre de l’élan de solidarité nationale impulsé par la DGRSDT, un état des lieux des actions du secteur de la recherche scientifique a été organisé le 06/04/2020 au niveau du CDTA,...
read moreMarch 08th, 2020
The Solar Equipments Development Unit "UDES" , celebrated The International Women's Day. it was an opportunity to honor the women ...
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