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EQUIPE: Distillation et Dessalement des Eaux Saumâtre et de Mer (DDESM)
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Phd in water treatment and Magister in industrial process engineering. Actually, I am a permanent researcher on the desalination of seawater treatment by renewable energies using the membrane process in the Development Unit of Solar Equipments/Renewable Energy Development Center, Algeria. I published a number of articles on desalination and more particularly on seawater pretreatment coupling coagulation-floculation and dual media filtration process at pilot scale. I had a scholarship exchange in Malaysia on ceramic membranes.
Chekired Fathia, Hout Sarra, Bouroussis C A, Rahmani A, Tilmatine A, Canale L, 
"Low Cost Automation System for Smart Houses based on PIC Microcontrollers,"
IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2020 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe (EEEIC / I&CPS Europe), 2020, pp. 1-5
Zioui Djamila, Aburideh Hanane, Tigrine Zahia, Hout Sarra, Abbas Mohamed, Kasbadji Merzouk Nachida, 
Experimental Study on a Reverse Osmosis Device Coupled with Solar Energy for Water Desalination
IEEE explore digital library,, E-ISSN : 2380-7393, Publisher: IEEE
Tigrine Zahia, Kasbadji Merzouk Nachida, Aburideh Hanane, Abbas Mohamed, Zioui Djamila, Belhout Dalila, Hout Sarra, 
Pilot-scale reverse osmosis for brackish and seawater desalination coupled with renewable energy
International Journal of Environmental Science. Volume 1, 2016. ISSN: 2367-8941
Zioui Djamila, Tigrine Zahia, Aburideh Hanane, Hout Sarra, Abbas Mohamed, Kasbadji Merzouk Nachida, 
Membrane Technology for Water Treatment Applications
International Journal of Chemical and Environmental Engineering (IJCEE) , June 2015, Volume 6, No.3
Tigrine Zahia, Aburideh Hanane, Abbas Mohamed, Zioui Djamila, Bellatreche R, Kasbadji Merzouk Nachida, Hout Sarra, Belhout Dalila, 
Experimental investigations on a multi-stage water desalination prototype
Desalination and Water Treatment (DWT), Volume 56, Issue 10, pages 2612-2617 (2015)